Tuesday, October 24, 2017

From Santiago to Porto, Portugal!

Much to our surprise we finished this portion of our walk in less than a week. We had the opportunity to experience places we had not been before and to share some of our favorite Spainish traditions with our friends during our time on the trail. We were feeling invincible when we were a mere twenty three miles from Santiago and decided to walk the entire distance in one day. We were greeted with a lovely finale. A pelting rain and hailstorm which left us soaking wet! It was awesome and made for a most memorable entry.

There usually are a variety of feelings we have when we have completed our journey and the time comes to move on. This time was no different.  We were feeling very exuberant and excited and as the weather cleared our need for a  celebratory destination intensified. We decided on Porto, Portugal! A lovely and easy port city within a few hours from Santiago. So off we went...

A funny thing happened as we began. There were only two seats left on the bus to Porto and there were four of us with no other options for the rest of the day. Out of the blue, our cab driver offered to drive us to Portugal for a reasonable amount of money. We took him up on his offer and so off we drove to the next country in a cab! It was a nice way to travel. We found a lovely place to stay with a beautiful balcony and enjoyed the most beautiful sunsets over the city. We indulged in every delight around us and experienced some unforgettable moments. We stayed up late and slept in even later. It was a lovely way to celebrate our accomplishments.

Today we begin the process of heading back to Espana. Still a bit of an adventure to get back to where we need to be but we are up for it. Marguery and Louie are heading to Barcelona where they will spend a few days before heading home. We will be heading south to warm our bones a bit before heading back to you. 

We have missed you very much in these lovely and fun moments. Looking forward to being with you soon and catching up. You are the best and you are loved...

Buen Camino

Life With Friends

We are in Sarria on the Camino Frances and ready to walk again on the French Way. We will meet up with our friends the Martina's and walk into Santiago with them. While we have met many people on this road that we still count as friends, this will be the first time we will be taking someone we know with us. We have been looking forward to this for quite some time.

These moments give me time to reflect upon the meaning of friendship and travel. It really is a time we get to practice trust and vulnerability by sharing the parts of ourselves that we usually only share with each other. We will learn each others idiosyncrasies and develop a deeper understanding of who we are in moments that are very beautiful or very stressful. I think our friendship will only deepen as we walk this Way together. We continue to be thankful for the many years and experiences we have been blessed to share together as friends.

We look forward to the time when we are together again.

Until then...

Buen Camino 

Thursday, October 12, 2017

Another Way Begins

We have just finished the Camino Primitivo and will join our friends the Martina's on the Camino Frances. I am getting better at enjoying each moment that I am in but I have to admit every once in awhile I forget this aspect of life and get caught up in the over thinking of what might happen next. Near the end of this walk we had contemplated walking off trail so we could just walk in and  join the French Way from where we were. Our plans were centered on finding that point in which we could do this the best. We contemplated our options and when the moment came we just decided to walk the complete path and then catch a bus back. I am ever so happy we did...

We had said our goodbyes to our walking companions and we were a bit late getting into town. We opted to stay at a little Albergue on the edge of town. Here Andres cooked a turkey dinner for us and  assisted us with our travel plans in the morning. We would have to backtrack to Lugo and catch the bus. He said his father would take us in the morning so we could sleep in a bit and then get a direct bus ride into Sarria which would be our starting point on the Camino Frances. It worked just perfectly and it was much easier than anything we had come up with on our own. The kindness of strangers never ceases to amaze me.

The Primitivo was an arduous walk and probably the best way to see and appreciate the Asturian region of Spain. The people were exceptionally kind to us, the countryside was rural and mountainous, the food and drink outstanding and we are forever enriched by our time here. I am inspired by the simple rural life of this area and I am excited that it will be fall when we return to you. I'll make a pot of soup and bake some bread and we can sit by the fire and enjoy each other's company. I am looking forward to that time very much.

You are loved...

Buen Camino 

Monday, October 9, 2017

!Mientras Vivas...Vive!!!

We were excited as the end of day this approached. We are now officially in Galicia and wonderful things begin to happen. Traditionally, the weather gets cooler, the landscape starts looking a little more Celtic, and the food and drink just gets better. The bread is darker, the goat cheese abundant, the wines richer, and then there is pulpo aka octopus. The Galicians prepare it better than anyone I know and it is always a treat to enjoy.

We had a new guy in our group tonight. His name is Antonio and he is originally from Valenzuela but now lives in Florida. When he came in he ordered several glasses of pineapple juice and had it served in a wine glass. He said the natural sugar helped replenish his energy after a long walk and he loved drinking it after a day of walking. He then proceeded to order two plates of pulpo because...well, it was just delicious. He also took both desert choices because he liked those options as well. As we were all sitting and enjoying our meal he picked up a napkin and commented on the words written on it. Mientras Vivas...Vive!!! When Alive...Live!!!

I thought about that all day as we traversed the countryside. I was reminded that these travels are not about miles and destinations but moments to live. We have a season to live this particular way and we would be foolish not to enjoy it and live fully each day. It was a good reminder to keep our life full of delightful things. And, maybe have two servings of the pulpo the next time around simply because it’s delicious.

We are doing well on the trail and are savoring each and every moment. We think of you many times along the way and know you would it here.

You are loved...Buen Camino.

Sunday, October 8, 2017

A Moment of Kindness

Today we scheduled a shorter walk because we wanted to breakup a twenty-six mile hike into two thirteen mile days. It had a lot of elevation changes along with distance and we just decided it was not doable for us. We are so happy we did it this way.

Along the way we noted that there was a bar/cafe slightly off the trail and decided to splurge early in the day and have a cup of hot chocolate. The bar was closed when we arrived but very quickly a beuatiful  women in a sofr blue sweater opened the door and invited us into her home. She hummed along as she prepared our chocolate and brought us cookies and candies as well. Her home was in the cafe and although the cafe was officially closed she prepared us a little treat. From her cupboards she pulled out  pastries and little bags of candy for us to carry with us. Not many people leave the trail to see her and she was happy to see us.

Her kindness was beautiful and truly made our day. I am inspired to practice acts of kindness as I am reminded of the impression it has made on my heart. We are thinking of you especially and pray your day is full of kindness as well. You are loved...

Buen Camino!

Montefurado to Pola de Allande

The more we  traverse the Spanish countryside the better we get at navigating and appreciating the many regions and the beauty of Spain. We are still in the Asturias and enjoying the culture of this region. It is not quite Basque and not quite Spanish and very different from the other regions we have visited before. The food and drink are phenomenal and the specialties of the area change every few days. We are trying new things everyday and have not been disappointed.  I  am excited to try some of these things on you when we return. We are truly enjoying this area and the kindness of the people we meet each day.

Today we had a most beautiful walk. I think that most people who walk the Primitivo are ardent walkers who enjoy the challenge of long arduous trails. Some how we seem to fit in and are meeting up with most of the people we have met along the way. Our guide book today had these instructions for us as part of  today's trek: "Keep straight on the footpath through Montefurado, skirting a rock wall and a house. After reaching a shell perched before a tree, climb over a rock wall and join a footpath. Pass through a fence after 900 meters and follow the footpath for 2.6 km. Join a paved road, turning left at conflicting arrows. Pass the chapel that has a carving of an apostle. After this, a steep  descent will begin immediately over the next 16.5 km." It was stunning!

Our days are filled with strenuous and beautiful walks. It is amazing to walk along these pieces of history. We are feeling stronger each and every day and are doing well with our routine. We think of you over these hours of walking...many prayers your way. We love you and are excited to share our stories when we see you. You are loved...

Buen Camino!

Camino Primitivo

We officially began the Primitivo when we left Oviedo. I have to admit, we were both excited and a little nervous. Fellow peregrinos  we had met along the Via de la Plata had told us that this was a stellar walk but a bit strenuous. We began our journey today and we have to agree on both accounts. It is a stellar walk and it is strenuous but we have decided it is definitely worth it.

The Primitivo is considered one of the earliest pilgrimages to Santiago de Compostela. Pilgrims along this route experience a more isolated Spain in the region of Asturias. After leaving the coastal walk of the Camino Norte the Primitivo climbs over rugged mountain terrains and deep valleys. We often walk through the clouds for several hours each morning before emerging into delightful sunny days. 

Some of the oldest ruins remaining in Spain are found along this way. In Tineo we passed the ruins  'El Ultima de Filipinas' which was one of the first pilgrim hospitals in the seventeenth century. It was amazing to walk by and imagine that for over four hundred years this building stood in the same place and that other pilgrims had walked by as well. 

Our days are arduous and we are getting stronger each day. We think of you many times during the day and think that you would like this place as well. We miss you in this beauty. Can't wait to tell you all of our stories...

You are loved.

Buen Camino. 

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

We Have Begun

The duties and responsibilities of life and preparation are behind us and we have begun the process of the metamorphosis that occurs while we are on these walkabouts. No longer are we operating off the to-do lists but now just living in each and every moment we have. These are the best moments for me to work on the 'kinks' in my heart and soul. I have come to the conclusion that life is full of kinks, I will now have the luxury of time to walk and pray through them.

We decided to walk the Primitivo because we had heard it was a beautiful way to walk and experience yet another portion of Spain. We realize that our seasons for this kind of travel are diminishing. Don't get me wrong, we are not done with our walking life but may have to choose less challenging trails. Our last walk, the Via de la Plata was an epic adventure and it is hard not to follow with something that was exciting as that was for us.

We are enjoying the incredible beauty around us. The forests, the sea, the specialties and traditions of the area, and most of all, each other. We walk through lovely places like Oviedo, Grado, El Freisnu (aka El Fresno), and La Espina. This time and beauty is not lost on us. Neither is the opportunity to hold you in our hearts and prayers. You are loved...

Buen Camino.

We Are on the Move

We were fortunate to be able to take the train up to the northern coastline of Spain with only one change of trains in Madrid. It was painless and quick and before we knew we were in Santander. From Santander we went to Oviedo where the Primitivo officially begins. Riding on the train through the Galician countryside is like music to my soul. It is green, cool, and full of a quaintness reminiscent of days gone by. While the Costa del Sol has its own beauty with the beautiful white sands and blue seas this countryside evokes a beauty within my heart that I can not explain with mere words. It is like sitting by a warm fire on a cold and rainy afternoon with a bowl of soup, warm bread and cool wine and a soft blanket while reading your favorite book. I could go on but you get the sense that these trains rides are truly enjoyable to us and we enjoy them immensely.

Once we got our credencial stamped at the cathedral we walked through the town like tourists. This area is know for its fermented apple cider and fish. The cider is a digestive and the best part is watching your waiter pour it for you. He holds the bottle over his head and with out looking fills your glass. It was so much fun being a part of this nightlife. 

We are excited about our journey and will let you know where we are when we can. You are loved...

Buen Camino


We are in Spain! We were accepted on the flight from Wright/Patterson and enjoyed a lovely flight aboard a C17. Upon our arrival in Norfolk the pilot open the back hatch and let us enjoy the view from the aircraft as it was landing. The flight crew said he was just showing off for us. We were glad that he did and we were impressed by the view. We know that this is the only mode of travel in which this could have happened and its' splendor was not missed by anyone on board. It was a sight to behold!

When we entered the Norfolk terminal it felt as if we were in a huge airport. A lot of active duty families were being  deployed from this location with assignments to Spain, Italy, Greece, Bahrain, and Diego Garcia. They must be processed first and any remaining seats on the  Boeing 767 are available for Space A travelers. There were 99 seats available and 116 people vying for them. We were accepted early on and could relax a bit before our flight. We sat in the Distinguished Visitors (DV) lounge and enjoyed lively conversations with fellow travelers. I have to admit, this is one of the best parts of this kind of travel. I always enjoy the people we meet and the stories they tell. 

Now that we have landed we will spend a day of rest and then a day of preparation for travel. It was nice to be back in Rota and have so many people remember us and to take such good care of us. We will head into town tonight where we will eat with Antonio at Zamaritto's which is a  lovely local fish restaurant. There is nothing to order, he just cooks what is fresh and has been caught earlier in the day. It is phenomenal and we never go away hungry or thirsty. 

We will take the train to Santander along the Camino Norte. We will walk to where it meets the Camino Primitivo and then head south until we connect with Camino Frances. In a few weeks we will meet our dear friends the Martina's and head into Santiago.

We think of you many times while we are away.  In the quiet moments you fill our thoughts and prayers and we realize how much we have. I carry you with me...always.

Buen Camino.