Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Because We Can

This morning we were able to see Mt Rainier clearly and vividly from our 'backyard'. It was the beginning of a beautiful day.  It was cool outside and warm in our cabin. We laid in bed and had a cup of coffee chatting about our day. We decided to hike again this morning and explore this area a little more diligently. We are spellbound by the beauty here. As we follow the trails we find we are in a world inside of many worlds. The base here houses many operations and as we meander through the forest we seem to be worlds away from everything. Occasionally there is a reminder of where we are. We try not to cross into restricted areas and we watch for low flying aircraft. 

It is a luxury to plan the days events one thing at a time.
We knew we would hike today and then we knew…well, I think that's all we knew when we set out this morning. We have had a light lunch and glass of wine and I think we will take a nap. Then, well, we will see. We are nestled between Tacoma and Seattle and so, who knows what is next.

I am reminded of the many worlds within my world. I juggle many roles and callings on my life. Sometimes these worlds are very separate and sometimes my worlds all collide. Sometimes I feel overwhelmed and sometimes I have incredible peace. These are gifts from my Creator. It is an honor  to manage these well. He also desires for me to find delight in my days. I may not have the luxury of time that I have at this moment but I do have a choice. I am thankful for that reminder today as I sit content in my room after a day filled with delight and beauty.

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