Friday, October 17, 2014

I've Had a Change of Heart

I've Had a Change of Heart
For those of you who know me well, you may find what I am about to say hard to believe. There are not many things that are hard for me to live with but I do have a slight aversion to a couple of things. Namely, snails and slugs. I am here to say that Spain has the most beautiful snails I have ever seen.

I began to notice beautiful, small, white shelled and body snails as we left France. They looked like small pearls as they clung to the branches of the plants along the way. I tried to ignore them as there were hundreds of them and I don't (ever) want a snail to dominate my thoughts. But as we meandered into Spain I accidentally noticed they were changing and becoming colorful. I even stopped to take a picture of one which for me is a first. I have since become fascinated by these beautiful creatures. I have even stopped cringing when I walk past them.

Not all snails will look like these I know. They don't have too. The thing that has changed is my perception of snails. It reminded me of how a change in perception can change almost anything. For the most part, our day to day lives don't change much. What changes is the way we look at things. Sometimes the change in our perception can change the course of our lives. I am thankful a small snail reminded me of this.

Now slugs...that's a different matter! Still working on that.

 Buen Camino.

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