Sunday, October 11, 2015


We were pleasantly surprised when we entered Coimbra. Sometimes after days on the trail and then staying in the smaller villages where we know everyone it can be difficult to adjust to the busyness of a big city. This was not the case when we walked into Coimbra. It was spectacular as we entered and our way was well marked. Our friend Bernard who is always ahead of us found the most delightful place for us to stay. We had a lovely roon in a historical pension with a stunning view of the city. We walked out our door and we were in the heart of the city. It was delightful.

Coimbra was the capital of Portugal from 1145-1255. However, it is best known for it's university which was founded in 1290. The original site still remains with some of the original structures and with some gorgeous new buildings. It is one of the best schools for mathematics and engineering in the country.

We have decided to eat at a traditional Portuguese restaurant that the locals favor. It's specialty is fish and I have to say it was one of the best seafood meals I have ever eaten.  I had the giant prawn and grilled calamari. The owner was very generous to us and shared some of his wonderful port. Afterward, we went with a young couple from Canada to watch Fado. It was lovely.

We think of you as the days so by. Each day and a another adventure that we would love to share with you. You are very much. Buen Camino.

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