Monday, April 18, 2016

Lubian and Onward

We are getting better at our navigational skills and now find that even if the roads are clear we have no hesitation to alter our trail if we find a better route. We have found this to be exciting and are enjoying all that we have been able to experience this way.

We do not see many other walkers this way and I have to admit that while I truly love this time of solitude I also love meeting fellow travelers on occasion. Today was such a day.

We were definitely off the Camino but out path transected part of the cyclist path today. In the middle of nowhere we looked up and saw two men riding down our road. They stopped and came over and we found out that they take a cycling trip every year together and had begun a little further south than we had and would soon complete their adventure. They lived in Belgium but one man was from France and the other from Romania. Dino, the man from Romania, made a beeline to Tom and immediately asked where we were from. When we said the USA he asked why he had a Romanian flag sewn on the back of his backpack. When we explained that we carried patches from our family back home and that our daughter had given us this patch because of the way it had changed her life after living there we were immediately connected. We would meet later in the evening and have dinner with them and hear of the many twists and turns their lives had taken and why they were both on the Camino today. It was a beautiful 'rags to riches' tale and we are honored to have heard it.

We still have rain nearly everyday but it is not as cold as it had once been. We are quite good at adjusting our attire as the weather dictates. We think of you many times through out these days. You are loved...Buen Camino.

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