We are technically off the Camino and, technically still on the Camino. Due to the weather and the closure of some of the mountainous trails we have been improvising and creating our own trails. We are still heading in the same direction, through Galicia to Santiago de Compostela, but we are no longer using our guide book. Instead, we are accomplishing this on our own with the help of GPS and our maps.
It has been exciting as we determine our destination for the day and then try to figure out how we are going to get there. For those of you in the know, you know this means I am relying entirely on Tom. It has brought us to places we had not expected to visit and we are seeing the nooks and crannies of this part of Spain. It has made all the difference in the world.
We walk through the small country villages that don't see any other walkers. People wave us down to ask us about our pilgrimage. We struggle a bit with the language but now know a few key phrases and people are happy to hear of our journey. We met a lady in Viera who was so happy we were going to Santiago she gave us some money and then asked us to pray for her on our arrival.

I think of you each and every day and pray you feel the blessings of each and every day you have. You are so very loved...
Buen Camino.
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