Thursday, November 1, 2012

Wonders of the World

When I woke up this morning, I found my thoughts were the same as they had been the night before. I have been thinking of the beautiful things we have been able to see and do and how something is defined as a 'Wonder of the World'. It is easy to compile a list that surpasses the original seven. In fact, the term eighth wonder of the world is often used to describe things in comparison to the Seven Wonders of the World, the widely-known list of seven remarkable constructions of classical antiquity. I have something to add to this list. Not a structure for sure but something that will take your breath away. And, while people from all one the world may never flock to see it, it is a beautiful thing none the less. It is the work of men and women committed to something greater than they are. I am thinking of our friends Boungham and his wife Kamla and the endless work they do to help better the lives of the people of Laos. From visiting and caring for the poor in the tribal hill villages to equipping and empowering physicians in hospitals and clinics throughout Laos these two are our heroes.

We have had the small opportunity to visit and work alongside some remarkable physicians this past week throughout Central Laos. Men and women who have dedicated their lives to a standard of excellence we should all strive for. We have seen the barest hospitals/clinics operating with old or make shift equipment and yet they are taking such good care of the people they serve. Women delivering their babies and placing them on the floor due to lack of space and bedding but leaving with healthy children. Being a physician or a nurse is not a lucrative position by any means. The hours are long and the work is hard and there is no prestige in the these titles. The average physician makes about $300.00 dollars a month and works a minimum of sixteen hours a day. What they do and how they do it is of great value to so many people.

So today, I stand in awe, in the beauty of a heart that serves so selflessly. Our friend says that some of these people are so downtrodden and poor that they can not even speak up for themselves.  So for those who labor endlessly to help and be the voice for those who are in need and can not speak for themselves my hats off to you.  I am reminded of the scripture in Hebrews 13:16...And do not forget to do good and share with others, for with such sacrifice God is pleased. I am humbled to be along side of you today...

1 comment:

Dezerai said...

"The work of men and women committed to something greater than they are"....I would say this is the 1st wonder. :)