Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Perspective and Perseverance

These are not easy words for me to write. Today was hard and I had moments of doubt about what we were doing. We started out early because there were many miles to cover and heavy rains were predicted for the entire day. I could live with the weather because of my rain gear but the terrain was also difficult. It was a combination of undulating rocky hills and busy freeways. A hard combination when rains are present. When it was over I would have to say it was probably one of my best days. Not because it was easy or beautiful but because it was a day that provoked my thoughts and gave me a different perspective.

By California standards we started out in a heavy rain. Since we haven't seen rain in California for quite some time it was a lovely storm. This would not deter us and we eagerly set out.

Our walk started along the N110. The trails and infrastructure in Portugal are not as developed as the ones in France. On occasion (usually after a natural disaster) they reroute us along the national highway. It was cold and I was wet and the cars and trucks whizzed by at incredible speeds. Why am I doing this? I thought. This is ridiculously hard.  Then I was reminded that there are some who would give anything for this to be their hard. I could think of nothing else to complain about from that moment on.

I find one of the most beautiful aspects of our walk is our time without distractions. Amidst these beautiful places and exquisite experiences the thing I appreciate the most are these moments of closeness to God. There are many ways in which this happens but for me each step I take is a prayer. In those moments of prayer, my perspective can change. I am a work in progress and I have so much to be thankful for. I thought of those who would give anything to say that this was the hardest thing they had going. What had once seemed overwhelming to me had now became very beautiful as I thought about this. 

At some point during the day it did stop raining. We often stop to look around us and get a different perspective of where we are and where we have been. The rainy day had become so beautiful to me. A little change in the my external environment or perhaps, the change was me, but everything seemed different. Still walking north to Spain and having persevered the storm we continue onward. Not always sure of what is ahead but know we will be alright. Buen Camino...You are loved.

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