Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Villafranca del Bierzo

Villafranca del Bierzo
As we entered this small village nestled in the foothills of the Sierra de O Courel mountain range we thought we were dreaming. It seems to be the best of all worlds and looked like something out of a fairytale. Green hills, gold and red valleys and a small village nestled in between. We were excited as we entered this area and very happy to be here.
This area is well known for it's wine production and agriculture. Because of the prime weather conditions here many types of fruit and vegetables grow abundantly. The fields are stunning and the soil rich and fertile as we walk through this areas.
I think the real beauty here is the people we met. We had intended on staying in an albergue in the middle of town. We usually choose an area near the center because that is where the cathedrals are located. When you find the church you find the plaza and hub of the city. Our spot of choice had burnt down a few months prior and now we needed to find another place. This is not terribly complicated, we just had to walk and find it. We ended up one street off the plaza in an old beautiful neighborhood checking our map when a lovely young woman asked if we needed some help. When we told her our dilemma, she invited us in to her home which had just been renovated into a home for pilgrims. It was one of the most beautiful homes I have ever seen and an honor to stay with this family and call this our home for the day.

We loved our time here and will always hold this place in our heart. We spent our evening in the plaza dining with friends and when we returned home they had a warm fire waiting for us. We warmed ourselves by the fire while enjoying some local wine and figs. They played the guitar for us and we listened to the most beautiful music. This moment permeated our souls and we will carry it onward with us.. These are the times I miss you the most, in the moments that touch my heart to it's core.

You are loved. Buen Camino.

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