Saturday, October 18, 2014

Way Signs

Way Signs
One of things we needed to understand and fully appreciate as we embarked on this journey was the value of the way signs. These are the identifying markers that mark the way and point you in the direction should go. It is important to recognize and watch for them as they will lead you out of one country and across another.

Traditionally, it is a yellow arrow that points you into the direction you need to be going. In the countryside you can find these on everything from trees to rocks and sometimes even on the earthen walls. In some places rocks are arranged in the shape of an arrow and we must follow these. These markers lead us into the small villages along the way where we find food, shelter, rest, drink, and whatever else we may need to sustain us. When it is time to move forward they lead us onward.
In the bigger cities we look for both the yellow arrows and the symbolic conch shell. These shells are often brass and are universally recognized as a directional marker. Each of the bigger cities have some variation on how the shell is displayed (on the walls or on the road) but the symbol is recognizable to all.

When we leave early in the mornings it is often dark. In those early mornings and through out my days I find myself praying to see those signs so I will not lose my way. I watch for them and am quick to heed the directions they have for me. I have come to depend on them and trust that they will take me exactly where I need to be. I am becoming attuned to the direction they are leading me and can, at times, sense if I am off track.

I have hours each day to think of this and know who truly is My Way, My Truth, and My Light. I am thankful for this time.

Buen Camino.

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